my forbidden love


Month: February, 2012

Melanie Anayiotos

fall 2012- MA Collection

‘Imperfect Beauty’

The Masters Collection entitled ‘Imperfect Beauty’ is based on research into the concept of Wabi-Sabi; the Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection and profundity in nature. It accepts the natural cycle of growth, decay and death. It reveres simplicity, intimacy, modesty and authenticity above all. Wabi-Sabi and the collection ‘Imperfect Beauty’ celebrate the kind of perfect beauty that is caused by just the right balance of imperfection.

The techniques and creative pattern cutting in the collection were formed around the specific research into the ageing process in human beings, particularly related to the skin. The ‘wrinkling technique’ was created through draping and pattern cutting and then by invisible understitches holding the outside layer of fabric to an underlayer, or base layer. The ‘wrinkles’ are created to appear like moments of movement frozen in time. The prints in the collection are hand crafted screen prints using both gold and clear foil. The broken up print is unique in that it is created as it is produced and will always vary slightly with each individual piece. The pattern cutting throughout the collection resembles the growth of the skin in that it uses few seams and creates a rounded and curved silhouette.

The skin in society holds a place of importance in that it reveals many things about our inner selves to the outside world. ‘Imperfect beauty’ was created to highlight the true beauty in what is often seen as a woman’s imperfections.

Ana Rajcevic